Positive Tomorrows
Oklahoma City, OK
Education, Master Planning, Storm Shelter, Furniture Selection, Interior Design
Positive Tomorrows is Oklahoma’s only tuition-free elementary school and social service agency serving families experiencing homelessness. With roughly one in nine students in the Oklahoma City Public School system facing homelessness, the services Positive Tomorrows provides to the community is vital to breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty. Formerly housed in a church annex with limited space, Positive Tomorrows turned away nearly 100 students each year, citing a need for additional space if they were to serve more families.
MA+ Architecture became involved with Positive Tomorrows in 2013 and with funding through a Building Success Campaign in 2017, began designing a new 42,000-square-foot facility that would triple capacity and extend the school’s student services to Early Head Start - 8th grade. The new space enhances the structure and stability Positive Tomorrows students and their families need through specialized learning spaces, upgraded safety and security measures, and additional family support areas.